Monday, March 8, 2010

The Value of Money

Hello Students,
I found a great poem by Shel Silverstein entitled "Smart". I would like everyone to read the poem and come to class prepared to discuss it. After reading the poem try to answer the following questions:

Did the boy in the poem know money values?
What was wrong with his logic?
Did the boy in the poem get a good deal?
How much money did he lose?

I think you will find this poem provides a great lesson about the importance of knowing the value of money. Enjoy!
Mrs. Mulone

My dad gave me one dollar bill
'Cause I'm his smartest son,
And I swapped it for two shiny
'Cause two is more than one!

And then I took the quarters
And traded them to Lou
For three dimes -- I guess he don't know
That three is more than two!
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Just then, along came old blind Bates
And just 'cause he can't see
He gave me four nickels for my three dimes,
And four is more than three!

And I took the nickels to Hiram Coombs
Down at the seed-feed store,
And the fool gave me five pennies for them,
And five is more than four!

And then I went and showed my dad,
And he got red in the cheeks
And closed his eyes and shook his head--
Too proud of me to speak!
- Shel Silverstein

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